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Ten Shorts around the world - 2020

2019 – 8′ – Giada Bossi
A huge bike accident breaks Joshua’s boyhood. Looking back at the videos of his childhood associated with his activity at YouTuber, the film investigates the fragility of life and the perception of reality of a fifteen years old boy growing in the suburbs.

Il fagotto
2019 – 15′ – Giulia Giapponesi
Due to declining birthrate, a country is disappearing. The Government is applying harsh measures, and not just psychological ones: females who don’t contribute to the demographic future of the country are a problem, thus every year they are called to the Government Office to declare the reason why they haven’t had any babies in the past twelve months. In this out of time world, Bianca and Vittoria are completely at odds concerning their fertility time. They meet each other and are instantly driven to make a choice that could radically change their destiny..

Senza tenere premuto
2019 – 13′ – Paolo Strippoli
Chiara loves Instagram and she loves her followers. But when one night someone really starts following her, her life turns into a vortex of danger and desperation, Story after Story.

2019 – 15′ – Michele Capuano
On New Year’s Eve 1978, Edward receives an unexpected visit. He is one of his young acquaintances, shaken by a fixed thought he cannot get rid of. Once inside the house, the boy begins to tell his unforgettable clandestine love story with the beautiful Lella. A year and ten months of passion, culminating in an unconfessable secret.

Il muro bianco
2019 – 13′ – Andrea Brusa e Marco Scotuzzi
A principal and teacher conspire to protect their students from an invisible predator lurking inside their school. Based on a true story.

A colloquio con Rossella
2019 – 11′ – Andrea Andolina
Rossella is an old lady, mother and grandmother, very busy and full of interests.

2019 – 15′ – Simone Bozzelli
It’s a hot afternoon. Serena is helping Christopher to study German. He is bored and prefers to record her with his cell phone. She doesn’t want him to but he likes it because she makes him laugh, especially when Serena acts like a little pig. And when Christopher laughs she is happy. Through this game, the two grow closer and discover an unexpected intimacy.

Veronica non sa fumare
2019 – 20′ – Chiara Marotta
Veronica is 17 years old and for a long time she has been spying from afar a life different from hers, and she chose it for herself. When she finally manages to approach Alessia, she immerses herself completely in this new world that appears to be the same and at the same time different from what she imagined.

Quando la banda passò
2019 – 15′ – Maurizio Forcella
The historic musical band of Atri is to deal with the new mayor of the country. Only by winning the regional band festival will they heal the debts contracted with the municipality and Ivan, the famous jazz trumpet player who recently moved to the city, will have all the weight of the race on his shoulders.

Manica a vento
2019 – 19′ – Emilia Mazzacurati
On the rides of Marina di Cecina, a Tuscan village on the sea, a girl crosses, fearlessly and unconsciously, a track of bumper cars with bare feet. He approaches a boxing machine and throws a punch on the record punchingball. Ten years have passed and the girl has grown up. Mara now lives in a room in her father’s decadent hotel, in the same village, by the sea. She can’t go out alone. From the window of his room, a polaroid and a windsock that stands on the beach shoot at the same time every day.